Saturday, September 24, 2011

Campus Field Trip

I thought the field trip that we took to the campus nature trail was mediocre. I have to admit that I don't really love walking around outside and being "one with nature". I appreciate it for it's aesthetic beauty and I would never want it to be destroyed for worldly pursuits, but I just don't find Florida's environment to be all that pretty or interesting. That's why I was a little annoyed walking around an area of Ft. Myers that looked like everything else I've ever seen in Florida. But I will say that I think it is very admirable that FGCU gives students access to such trails. I think their existence is consistent with the "eco-empowerment" theme that FGCU is trying to uphold. It is commendable that a university tries to promote eco-friendliness and encourages students to get outside and appreciate the things around them.

My Expectations

Entering this course, I don't really have many expectations. I literally had no idea what the subject matter of "colloquium" was going to be. Now that I am aware that it is an environmental awareness class, I imagine that we will learn a great deal about the area in which I live, as well as how it is in danger, and what changes I can make in order to better the environment. In my mind, "sustainability" means the capacity to endure. In the context of nature, I figure we will be learning different methods we could implement in our lives to make our environmental resources last. Since I'm studying to be a teacher, this information could be beneficial to me because I will have the opportunity to teach this important information to my students and hopefully make a difference. As far as personal decisions that I make that are unsustainable- I know that just in general living in the United States, I use far more resources than the majority of individuals on Earth. Just the sole fact that I drive my vehicle everywhere I go, even if it's two blocks away, shows that I am being unsustainable.