Sunday, December 11, 2011

Estero Island Cottage and Matanzas Pass

I was surprised by our experience at Estero Island Cottage and Matanzas Pass. I loved going in the little college and listening to the little old lady speak to us for over an hour on the history of the area. It made me feel warm and cozy, like I was sitting in the living room of my grandmother. I enjoyed hearing her first-hand account on the changes that the Ft. Myers Beach area had gone through over the decades- including the hurricanes and the influx of industry. I also liked walking around the area and seeing the mangroves, hearing the bees buzzing and the fish jumping, as well as smelling the fresh fruits and plants that were in abundance. I grew up in the Cape Coral/Ft. Myers area. Just throughout my short lifetime, I can say that I have seen many changes in the area. When I was younger, the area was less built up. Within recent years, I have seen a huge increase in the amount of shopping centers, restaurants, and recreational facilities. I think this has promoted an even greater sense of community since we now have more places to congregate and get to know each other. If a developer approached me offering me 300% the market value of my home to build condominiums over it, or 80% the market value of my county under the 20/20 program, I do not think I would accept it. Although money is important, there is no value for the memories a childhood home or neighborhood holds. I am very sentimental and reminiscent, and I would feel like I was "selling out" if I allowed a desire for money to affect my decisions.

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