Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Price of Energy

In a monetary sense, I don't feel like energy is too cheap. Many individuals allocate a large percentage of their funds to powering their homes and putting gasoline in their vehicles. But if an individual in an industrialized country takes a step back and examines this issue further, I think he/she would agree that energy is very "cheap" in the more abstract sense of the word. We don't think twice about leaving lights, electronics, or appliances turned on. Although the price of gasoline has bothered many, few individuals have taken up walking or riding bicycles as an alternative. Americans view energy as expendable and ever-present. "Conservation" is viewed as a dirty word to many- meaning it holds a negative connotation. To lazy individuals, conservation implies effort, time, thought, and money. Conserving resources requires the implementation of tactics that are not always convenient. I believe that Jimmy Carter addressed an issue long before many people had the courage to speak about it. I applaud him for making the world aware of the energy crisis that we are now facing. He was on the right track decades ago- long before many. Personally, I feel like there may need to be more government intervention in regards to the environment. Generally I hate the government and want as little to do with it as possible, but in this case, it may be necessary for something bigger than the individual, to step in and require changes to be made. Energy conservation is a serious matter and enough time has already been wasted. If the government steps in now and models appropriate behavior and funds the production of renewable resources such as solar panels, wind turbines etc., much good can be done. Solar panels have a great deal of upside potential due to the limitlessness of the sun's power, as well as the fact that they don't have to necessarily be large and take up lots of space. I will make it my goal short-term and long-term to reduce my eco-footprint on the earth. I will make more attempts to carpool with my friends, take quicker showers and stop running the water while brushing my teeth, washing dishes etc., turn off lights, computers, appliances when they are not in use, and recycle more.

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